Abortion affects everyone differently. And if you find yourself wrestling with difficult emotions or struggling to get through the day, you may need extra support. We’re here to help.

Post-Abortion Feelings

You may feel various emotions after an abortion, from guilt to relief. Each of these feelings is valid, but some women find they struggle more than others with their experience.

The APA Task Force on Mental Health and Abortion reports that women may experience the following after abortion:

  • Anxiety
  • Grief
  • Feelings of loss
  • Sadness
  • Depression

These feelings can be further complicated by factors such as a history of mental health conditions, pressure to have an abortion, and religious or cultural beliefs. And you may find that the feelings surface a short time or even years after the abortion.

Some women learn that by talking about their experiences, they find relief. Self-care exercises like spending time with loved ones, exercising, and prioritizing rest can help you during this time. Doing things you enjoy can seem complicated, but it will help you ease into “normal life” once again.

But what can you do if you need help with your post-abortion recovery? If you’re feeling alone, we’re here to be a resource. We don’t want you to feel isolated during this challenging time.

You’re Not Alone

Today’s Choice Women’s Center has a free, confidential abortion recovery program for those who have experienced this loss. We provide non-judgmental, caring support during this phase of your life. You’ll learn valuable coping tools and find healthy ways to share your story.

We can also connect you with resources to continue your post-abortion healing, including counseling. We approach this from a non-Biblical perspective and don’t force you to hear religious views. Our goal is your healing and emotional well-being.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn about post-abortion resources.

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