Here, You Are Heard, Seen, & Connected

Pregnancy Tests


Wondering if you're pregnant? Take a lab-quality test at our center.



Confirm your pregnancy's viability with a limited obstetric ultrasound.

Abortion Information


Learn about the side effects and risks of abortion procedures. You deserve to be informed.

Make an Informed Decision


Staying informed about abortion procedures helps you make an empowered decision.



Adoption may be the best option for your unplanned pregnancy. Learn about your adoption options and the assistance you'll receive.



Parenting isn't easy, but it can be a joy-filled experience. Receive parenting information in a safe, welcoming environment.



Staying informed about abortion procedures helps you make an empowered decision.


Adoption may be the best option for your unplanned pregnancy. Learn about your adoption options and the assistance you'll receive.


Parenting isn't easy, but it can be a joy-filled experience. Receive parenting information in a safe, welcoming environment.

Should I take a pregnancy test?

If you've had unprotected sexual intercourse and have pregnancy symptoms like a missed period or nausea, it's a good idea to test for pregnancy. Get the information you need to make a decision.

Why do I need an ultrasound?

Whether you're considering abortion, adoption, or parenting, you need an ultrasound. Ultrasounds confirm key information about your pregnancy's viability (whether it has a heartbeat and is progressing normally), gestational age (how far along you are), and location (whether it's in the uterus or elsewhere).

Do I have to pay for your services?

No! Today's Choice Women's Center provides all of our services for free. You won't receive a bill from us.

Can I bring my partner to my appointment?

Yes! We want you to feel comfortable and welcome you to bring a support person.

Will anyone find out about my appointment?

Today’s Choice Women’s Center keeps your information confidential. We respect your privacy and unique situation.

Move forward with confidence

What Our Patients Say

What Our
Patients Say